Stephanie: Queen of Nurturing Creativity, by Sheila Mayer

Working with Stephanie reconnected me to my inner artist.  I wish for every child, budding artist, and recovering artist the kind of empowering and nurturing support that Stephanie offers.  So much healing, so quickly!  During the process of introducing me to a world of possibilities, my inner critic lost its harshness, and my inner artist came out to play.  Self-acceptance in this arena has opened opportunities in other areas of my life that are growing rapidly.  Thank you, Stephanie!

Can’t say enough about the value of Stephanie’s “40 Days of Soft”. Gentle, simple, and simultaneously easy and challenging.  Heart opening, soul connecting, and self-nurturing, it heals and empowers subtly at many levels which become more obvious as the practice evolves.

“Stephanie makes art approachable, accessible, and surprise! doable. It has opened vitas of potential within me.”

“Working with Stephanie, I discovered a plethora of new forms of art, ways of exploring them, ways of playing with them, ways of discovering the art that is me, and a wonderful new perspective on creative expression. “

– Sheila Mayer